Est. 1963


In the field of rubber moulding, LUBKO Release Agents offer water-based and solvent-based solutions that are specialised for general rubber moulding or silicone moulding. We also provide unique formulations for high temperature moulding processes of up to 600°C. Many of our rubber moulding products are also available in aerosol format.

Product Solvent System Additional Properties
LUBKO 1450 PS Organic solvents
LUBKO 1414 PS Organic solvents
LUBKO 1453 PS Organic solvents High mould detail
LUBKO 1515 PS Organic solvents Silicone moulding
LUBKO 1362 PS Organic solvents High temperature
LUBKO 1305 Water
LUBKO 1306 Water High temperature
LUBKO 1315 Water
LUBKO 1564 Water Silicone moulding
LUBKO 1612 Water Silicone moulding


Product Solvent System Additional Properties
Friction Free Organic solvents General purpose dry lubricant
LUBKO 1453 PS Organic solvents Anti-friction – electronics
LUBKO 1370 Water Assembly lubricant
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